Happy Video Game Day!!

September the 12th is:

National Video Game Day, Chocolate Milkshake Day, and the Day Of Encouragement. How will you honour these timeless traditions?

I can only assume that Video Game Day, and Milkshake Day were established first, and when someone saw what was being celebrated, they thought a little encouragement might help.

Skip forward to the 50 second mark, and you’ll see Jason(not me) lose his lead on the final lap of Mario Kart, then express an emotion that we’ve all felt.

Now, this video was posted because the videographer thought the kid’s meltdown was hilarious, but I was captured by what his friend did.

He took a stand for the Day Of Encouragement.

I think his first instinct was to direct physical demonstration of the emotional explosion(freakout) away from his TV, and gaming system. I feel like this was a wise move that prevented possible escalation of the situation.

After that this kid talked Jason down like a gosh darned angel:

  1. Turned off the video game to show that friendship was more important.
  2. Tried to remind Jason it was just a game, but respected that he was upset anyway.
  3. Asked Jason why he was mad, in case he had missed something, and the anger was coming from another place.
  4. Didn’t ask questions , or antagonize Jason when he said to turn the game back on.
  5. Then, the one that got me, was right at the end, where he quietly asks Jason to consider the consequences of being angry.

I think we’ve found the next Mr. Rogers