Fun Facts About Farts

5 Fun Facts About Farts

I feel bad for the poor dog in today’s video – he can’t help what his body does while he’s sleeping! His cat friend sure doesn’t understand that, or doesn’t care.

The dog’s face at the end of the video is just like mine, if somebody wakes me up. He was probably chasing a cat in his dreams, and wonders what happened!

5 Fun Facts About Flatulence

And speaking of farts, did you know these fun facts about flatulence?

  1. The word flatulence comes from the Latin flatus – “a blowing, a breaking wind”
  2. The smell is described as “feculent”, which I’ll leave for you to look up in the dictionary
  3. Cows create more methane by exhaling and burping, than they produce by farting.
  4. New Zealand tried to introduce a fart tax (for cows, not people)
  5. Flatulence is comedy gold, as you can see in the video below. It shows the campfire scene from the Mel Brooks’ comedy, Blazing Saddles.

Bad Joke Alert!! — I’m sure there are more fun facts, but I’m “toot” tired to think of any more. (The bad jokes are always free, here at Dog Leash Comedy.)

You’ll find more information about flatulence (way more than you ever wanted to know), in the Wikipedia article.


Blazing Saddles Campfire Scene

Here’s a survival tip for you — Don’t go camping with people who live on beans!


5 Fun Facts About Farts