Punctuation Fails for Punctuation Day

Punctuation Fails for Punctuation Day

September 24 is Punctuation Day, and it has me thinking of the old “Headlines” segment from ‘The Tonight Show.” Here are a couple of classic punctuation fails for Punctuation Day

Attention Toilet

First, here is a sign from a public washroom, and it could cause confusion.

With only three punctuation points on the sign, it’s really open for any interpretation you choose.

Is the sign for the toilet, about the toilet, or is this the “attention toilet”?

What store has so many disabled, elderly, pregnant children, that it needs to dedicate a toilet specifically for them?

Is “elderly children” a fun way to say teenager?

No Soliciting

Hmmm…where should the punctuation go in this “No Soliciting” sign?

Punctuation Fails for Punctuation Day

This sign defines irony in a way that Alanis Morissette never could.

Missing punctuation has turned this warning to potential violators, into a “get out of jail free” card.

This sign lacks the ability to form a proper sentence… get it?