It’s Walk to School Day 2018

It's Walk to School Day 2018

Did you know that the first Wednesday in October is Walk to School Day? This year, that day falls on October 3rd, and if we’re lucky, it won’t be snowing yet, here in Ontario, Canada. It’s easier to walk to school if you’re not wearing snow boots, and 12 layers of clothes, like little brother Randy, in the movie, A Christmas Story.

Snowy Alberta

The people in Western Canada aren’t so lucky. A relative of mine took this photo yesterday morning, in Calgary, Alberta, where they got a dump of snow overnight.


Yuck! I lived there for a couple of years, and was glad to get away from those early winters.

Walking to School

Anyway, back to today’s celebration – Walk to School Day. I did that every day for the first few years of school. Fortunately, it was a short trip – across the street, through the park, and then another couple of blocks. Even in the winter, that wasn’t too bad.

The trip to middle school (grades 7 and 8) was further, but not too bad in bike-riding weather. In the winter, there was no choice except to pile on the warm clothes, and walk to school – about a mile. It was close enough that we didn’t qualify for a bus ride, and far enough to almost die of hypothermia on cold winter days.

If we were lucky, we didn’t have to help shovel out the driveway before we headed out. Our dad liked to have help, and seemed to think that teenagers should do some chores, if they wanted luxuries, like food and clothing. I don’t think that parents are allowed to torture kids like that anymore – I’ll have to check the local laws!

Run Behind the Bus

If you’re far enough from school that you usually ride the bus, or if you get a ride from your parents, try to walk to school today.

If you’re not sure where your school is, because you don’t pay attention on the way there, maybe you can run behind the bus. It should stop every few blocks, to pick kids up, so you’ll be able to catch your breath then.

Or, if that’s too far to run, at least walk to the next bus stop, and get on there, instead of getting on at the stop closest to your house. a bit of fresh air and exercise will be good for you!

Walk to School Day

Run behind the bus – it’s National Walk to School Day!

Walk to School Day
