Humans in the Wild

Humans in the Wild

Do animals in captivity have shorter lives than they would in the jungle or forest, or mountain ranges? There is some debate about that, but there’s one thing that I’m sure about – most humans would have much shorter lifespans in the wild. Where would we get avocado toast, or charge our phones?

Humans in the Wild

Yeah, it’s fun to go camping or glamping for a few days, but how long would you survive in the wilderness? The real wilderness, not a campsite with running water, flush toilets and electrical outlets?

Fifteen minutes? An hour? Until your phone battery died?

Food and Drink

What basic survival skills do you have? Are your hunting skills like mine – I have a real talent for finding the closest coffee shop or fast food place!

Some of us eat in restaurants most of the time, or have food delivered to our homes, so how would we feed ourselves in the wilderness? But who know, maybe there’s a Starbucks every few miles in the Sahara Desert.

Humans Are Dumb

Even if you know how to find food in the wilderness, there are other challenges, like the shortcomings of the human brain. Sure, you’re smarter than average, but lots of humans can barely survive in the city, where things are well-organized, and medical facilities are nearby.

We walk around, reading and texting on our phones, putting ourselves and others in danger. Even worse, people can get really dumb when they start snapping pictures. Just take a look at the list of people who died while taking selfies, to see what I mean!

And, if you want more proof of human stupidity, take a scroll through the list on the Darwin Awards website. Pat yourself on the back, if you’d never do anything that stupid! Or, get the Darwin Awards book, and learn about all the things you should never try to do!

Humans in the Wild

Humans are the only animals with shorter lifespans in the wild.

Human Lifespan