Comedy Night Fundraiser October 2018

Comedy Night Fundraiser October 2018

Today, I want to thank Jerushia Allin, and the rest of the team at Community of Hearts, for having faith in local talent, and allowing me to perform my longest comedy set to date. What a wonderful night of comedy, for an excellent cause!

Comedy Night Fundraiser October 2018

On Saturday, October 13th, it was an honour to perform at the Comedy Night Fundraiser, in support of Community of Hearts. I was in the program with 3 other amazing comedians, who I watched and learned from, while building up the courage to tackle my first open mic.

The other comedians, Cas Knihnisky, Rob Lewin, and Amber Dewar, are all incredible people, on-stage, and off. It was a pleasure to be in the line up with them, and to hear them perform.

My Turn

When it was my turn to perform, I did 35 minutes of comedy, for a great cause, and am feeling pretty darn good about it. My previous record was a 10 minute routine, and that was just a week ago!

It’s amazing (and nerve wracking) to push yourself to a new level, and to stretch your comedy muscles, beyond what seemed possible, only a short time ago. .

Thank you to everyone that has been supporting me, in finally chasing a passion, and thanks to the great audience at the event.

Community of Hearts

You can learn more about Community of Hearts on their website. Here is the organization’s description, from their site:

Founded in 2012, Community of Hearts is a not-for-profit in Guelph supporting adults with developmental exceptionalities to achieve success in curriculum-based quality programming, build self confidence and become more engaged in our community as they grow and learn. Program content teaches three pillars of Self-Awareness, Self-Management & Self-Advocacy/Expression to ensure participants achieve the level of independence they desire.


Comedy Night Fundraiser October 2018

Comedy Night Fundraiser October 2018
