National Pumpkin Day 2018

National Pumpkin Day 2018

Apparently, October 26th is National Pumpkin Day, so let the festivities begin. Maybe we celebrate this event, because all the parents rush out on October 26th, to buy a pumpkin to carve for Halloween. Or, the evil pumpkin conglomerates could just be playing mind games with us! Nah.

National Pumpkin Day 2018

Can you think of any other reasons to celebrate National Pumpkin Day? Here in Canada, we had Thanksgiving a few weeks ago, and some people might just be finishing the leftover pumpkin pie. That’s definitely something to celebrate.

And people in the USA are stockpiling pumpkins now, to make their pumpkin pies next month. If you didn’t buy 24 cans of pumpkin yet, never mind. It’s too late.

I like to plan ahead (occasionally), so we’ve got our Halloween pumpkin for this year. My daughter drew a face on it, but that’s as far as we got. What do you think? Should we carve it out, or leave it as is?

We also made a melted snowman ornament from hot glue, so that adds a festive, multi-holiday touch to our grumpy pumpkin. If you get close, you can hear the pumpkin muttering, “Get that thing off of my forehead!”


Painted Pumpkin

We’ve tried other pumpkin techniques in the past, like this painted pumpkin, from 2014. My daughter and I made it, and this beauty certainly isn’t a traditional Halloween pumpkin.

One benefit to panting or drawing a face is that the pumpkin doesn’t go rotten in two days. In fact, that pumpkin is probably still around here somewhere! (My housekeeping skills aren’t the best.)


John Oliver Pumpkin Spice Comedy

Unfortunately, when we think of pumpkins these days, we also think of pumpkin spice. How can we escape this nightmare, and get back to plain old pumpkin things? Really, we only need Halloween pumpkins for decorations, and pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving. Everything else is marketing hype.

Here’s what John Oliver has to say about pumpkin spice. He thinks it’s because we love fall, and all its smells. As he says, “Pumpkin Spice is just eggnog for morning people.”
