Movember 2018 Grow Your Mo

Movember 2018 Grow Your Mo

We celebrate lots of silly events here at Dog Leash Comedy, like National Taco Day, National Cat Day and Crush a Can Day. This month, we’re promoting a serious event – Movember. It’s a world-wide fundraising event that runs all through November each year. I’m participating, and please support this important cause, if you can.

About Movember

Movember raises research funds and awareness for men’s physical and mental health. Read more about the Movember Foundation here.

“We’re addressing some of the biggest health issues faced by men: prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health and suicide prevention.”

This short video explains what Movember is.

How to Support Movember

To participate in the Movember challenge, you can do one of these activities for 30 days, and encourage people to get involved and/or donate:

There are other options too:

  • Support someone who is participating in one of the activities, by donating to their Movember page.
  • Plan or attend a Movember event – use this page to find a Movember event near you.

My Movember Page

For Movember 2018, I’m participating in the Grow Your Mo challenge, as I have in the past. Here’s the link to my Movember page, if you’d like to make a contribution to this great cause.

This photo shows my face before the challenge.


The photo below, and on my Movember donation page, shows my face without all that hair. Scary, right?

I shaved off my beard and moustache to start the challenge, and can’t wait for it to start growing back!

If you click on the “After” picture below, that will take you to my Movember page too.


Thanks for supporting Movember, in their work for men’s health issues


Movember 2018 Grow Your Mo

Movember 2018 Grow Your Mo
