Small Cost Big Fun Christmas Books

Small Cost Big Fun Christmas Books

Here’s another thing that my 8-year-old daughter and I can do for our small cost big fun Christmas. We both love to read, so we’ll find a few Christmas books to read together. Maybe we can find a Christmas book for kids that has a comedy theme, or some kid-appropriate jokes in it.

Christmas Books on Your Shelf

Maybe you already have a few Christmas books on your bookshelf. Now’s a good time to drag them out, dust them off, and read them! Using what you already have is certainly low cost!

We found a couple of versions of The Night Before Christmas, and a Sesame Street popup book – maybe you’ll have a better selection on your bookshelf.


Christmas Books on Amazon

If you’d like to buy a couple of Christmas books for kids, you can’t beat the selection and convenience of ordering from Amazon. Just make your selections, then sit at home, in your pajamas, waiting for the books to arrive at your door. Sweet!

If you like fresh Christmas books, instead of the classics, this book was published in November 2018, and it looks like it has a comedy theme – If You Ever Want to Bring a Pirate to Meet Santa, Don’t!

Or, maybe we’ll try this one, which also looks funny – The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. It’s 128 pages, so we could enjoy reading that over several nights.

Books from the Library

Finally, and maybe best of all, you can borrow books from the library. It doesn’t cost anything to borrow them – just remember to take them back on time! And, you can borrow a few every week, then take them back and get a different batch of Christmas books for kids!

Our library has an online service too, so we can borrow books to read on our iPad. And that works great for us! We don’t have to go all the way to the library, and the books are automatically returned, when your loan time is up. No more overdue fines!

Here are a couple that were available today, when I checked for Christmas books for children. We can get “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” there too! It would download right away, and not cost anything. Now we just have to decide which other books to borrow!


Have fun reading Christmas books together, and I’ll let you know what other small cost big fun Christmas ideas we come up with.


Small Cost Big Fun Christmas Books
