Improv Classes for Kids

Improv Classes for Kids

To all parents — Please consider putting your child in an improv class during the March break, or any time that improv classes for kids are available. My daughter went for a week-long class last summer, and she loved it. Seeing her on stage, fearlessly living in the moment, and having a blast, was heartwarming and inspiring.

So Many Benefits

I can’t speak highly enough about improv, and the skills it helps develop. It isn’t just for extroverts, or comedic kids. It isn’t an acting camp. It’s a super fun way to develop a vast array of skills. Real. Life. Skills.

  • Confidence
  • Leadership
  • Collaboration
  • Adaptation
  • Embracing fears, and the unknown
  • Acceptance
  • Public speaking
  • Idea building
  • Active listening

The list could go on exponentially, but I think you get the point. Improv improves people.

So Much Fun

Improv is also ridiculously fun! Here in Guelph, The Making-Box has all-day camps run by some of the greatest people I have ever met.

They’re running another March Break camp in 2019, from March 11-15, from 9 AM to 4 PM every day. Don’t miss it!

If you’re in a different area, find out if there are improv classes for kids anywhere nearby. Ask other parents if they have recommendations. Check with the local schools, or community centres, to see if they know of any improv classes for kids.

And once you find a class, sign up your kids while there is still space! (Sign up for an adult class for yourself too – you’ll have tons of fun too)

Improv Classes for Kids

Improv Classes for Kids

