Comedy Roundup 20190313

Comedy Roundup 20190313

Here’s your dose of funny stuff for this week. Which story is your favourite in Comedy Roundup 20190313? I like those screaming lynx, and that would also be a good noise cover up, if you’re in a public bathroom!

Screaming Lynx

Forget screaming goats, screaming Lynx are all the rage right now. Watch this video that a family recorded, while driving through northern Ontario. What were those lynx discussing? Or maybe it was just a choir practice?

Most Searched Questions

In this video, Natalie Portman and Jude Law answer the most searched questions about them. What questions come up if you search for your name?

Bathroom Hacks

It doesn’t usually bother me, if you’re slightly uncomfortable in a public bathroom, these 5 bathroom hacks might help you. Or, just wait till you get home, and do your business there!

What’s your favourite hack? Testing ringtones on your phone? Playing videos? Something else?

Health Food Haters

If you hate health food, you’ll enjoy this collection of tweets from your fellow haters. Those health foods all look unappetizing, but the salad in an ice cream cone is particularly upsetting to me. The cauliflower and kale burger is a close second.

The vegan Easter egg trick could be fun though, if you’re the one giving it, and not receiving!

Bird Box Food Fails

Did you watch Bird Box on Netflix, or try any of the ridiculous Bird Box challenges? I avoided them, but you might like this video of a guy trying to cook while blindfolded. Be careful of those knives, and be sure someone is standing by to help point out your messes.

And I agree – don’t worry about washing your mushrooms. They won’t absorb much water. I learned that from Alton Brown on Good Eats.

Would you eat the stir (deep) fry that this blindfolded cook prepared?

Comedy Roundup 20190313

This week’s comedy roundup question – What monster created cauliflower & kale burgers?

What monster created cauliflower & kale burgers?

And remember, comedy is good for you – especially if you work on your improv skills!
