Fun Videos for National Watermelon Day

Fun Videos for National Watermelon Day

Today is August 3rd, so here are a few fun videos for National Watermelon Day! You might want to watch the first watermelon video by yourself, before you show it to your kids – it’s not your usual animated film.

Don’t Eat Watermelon Seeds

Did your parents ever tell you that you shouldn’t eat the watermelon seeds, or one might grow in your stomach?

If your parents gave you that advice, did you listen? No? Well watch this CGI animated short film, to see what could happen if you eat watermelon seeds – at least in cartoon world! The video is from the CGMeetup YouTube channel.

The video  was made by Kefei Li & Connie Qin He, and was produced at Ringling College of Art and Design. The music is by Antonius Nazareth, and sound designed by Nick Ainsworth.

Happy Dog and Watermelon Video

We love dogs, here at Dog Leash Comedy, so here’s a happy watermelon video, with a dog enjoying a delicious watermelon snack. Just don’t tell the dog what can happen if you eat the seeds!

The dog is an English Cream Golden Retriever, and chews the watermelon very gently.

The video title says it’s “ASMR” (Autonomous sensory meridian response), which is supposed to be calming. However, the sounds in this video might have the opposite effect, if you have misophonia – selective sound sensitivity!

Watermelon Party Trick Video

If you want even more watermelon day fun, here’s a cool watermelon trick video by Mark Rober. Would your kids be impressed if you brought them a big watermelon, then split the skin open and slid out the entire red centre?

See how to set up this magical watermelon party trick. Mark’s watermelon smoothie trick, shown near the beginning of this video, looks awesome too! You could try that at a different party this summer!

There are lots of other cool videos on Mark’s YouTube channel, so check those out too.

Fun Videos for National Watermelon Day

I hope you enjoyed the fun videos for National Watermelon Day, and have an awesome day!

Fun Videos for National Watermelon Day

