Jokes and Videos for National Work Like a Dog Day

Jokes and Videos for National Work Like a Dog Day

Does your dog work like a dog, or is your puppy a little pampered? Here are a couple of videos for National Work Like a Dog Day, so that you and your puppy can see what it means to “work like a dog”. And yes, there are a couple of bad jokes too!

Work Like a Dog Meaning

The expression “work like a dog” means to work really hard at something. Most dogs that I see in my neighbourhood have a pampered life, with a comfortable place to sleep, and food provided on a regular schedule. Their only “work” is to bark loudly, if someone comes to the front door.

Does that sound like the lovely life that your dog has? That’s why I said, “Hooray!” when I heard that August 5th is National Work Like a Dog Day. Who wouldn’t like a day like that? But it’s not like that for all dogs – some really do work hard.

Hard-Working Dogs

Despite the easy life that some dogs have, there are other dogs that have important jobs, and work hard every day. Can you think of the kinds of jobs that dogs do, to help us?

Here are a few dog jobs that I thought of:

  • Many dogs live on farms, where they help round up the animals, or protect them from predators.
  • Other dogs work for the military or for the police, helping with searches, and other important and sometimes dangerous work.
  • There are thousands of service dogs too, helping people with limited vision, or other challenges.
  • Many dogs are trained to provide comfort to those who need it, such as residents in long-term care, hospital patients, and workers in high-stress jobs.
  • In the north, dogs pull sleds, to help people travel over snow-covered terrain.

Border Collies Hard at Work

To see how dogs help with ranch and farm work, watch this video that shows how border collies do their jobs.

More Hard-Working Dogs

This video, from National Geographic’s YouTube channel, shows some of those hard-working dogs. You’ll see dogs herding sheep in New Zealand, comfort dogs, and many more types of working dogs.

Bad Jokes for Work Like a Dog Day

Of course, here at Dog Leash Comedy, we like to tell bad jokes at every opportunity. So, here are a couple of bad jokes for National Work Like a Dog Day.

Joke #1

  • Q: What kind of dog works for a vampire?
  • A: A bloodhound!

Joke #2

  • Q: Where did the noisy dog work?
  • A: In a barking lot!

Joke #3

  • Q: How did the dog describe his hard day at work?
  • A: Ruff!

National Work Like a Dog Day



Videos for National Work Like a Dog Day
