Dogs Treats for National Chocolate Cupcake Day

Dogs Treats for National Chocolate Cupcake Day

Today is National Chocolate Cupcake Day, October 18th, so what dog treats can you give to your pup, that aren’t chocolate? I’m sure you know that chocolate is toxic to dogs, so you shouldn’t give them any. It could give them a stomach upset, or much, much worse!

No Chocolate for Dogs

I’m not a veterinarian, but Scientific American magazine has advice from Tim Hackett, who is a veterinarian at Colorado State University. He says that “Dogs are capable of handling some chocolate, but it depends on the animal’s weight and the type of chocolate it eats.”

You can read the full article, to get the details.

Doggy Treats

Since we can’t give our dogs chocolate, what type of doggy treat could they have for National Chocolate Cupcake Day? Maybe you could shape their dog food into cupcake shapes, with a bit of brown sauce as the frosting  – that would be fun!

Or, if you’re not feeling up to that challenge, there are canine cupcakes available on Amazon.

For example, get a Celebration Cupcakes for Dogs package that lets you make a batch of 6 canine cupcakes, in just a few minutes. There’s cupcake mix, frosting mix, re-usable baking cups and a booklet to help you get started.

Or, get pre-made cupcakes for dogs, or these delicious-looking peanut butter cup dog treats. They’re made with carob, instead of chocolate, so they’re safe for dogs.

And finally, instead of an edible treat for your dog, how about a cute toy for National Chocolate Cupcake Day? This rubber squeaker chocolate cupcake toy looks so good that I might be tempted to eat it myself!

Video: No Cupcakes for Dramatic Eyes Dog

We can still have a funny dog video though, even though dogs can’t eat chocolate. This scene is from an old TV series – Attack of the Show!

The episode aired on February 9, 2009, and that poor pup isn’t getting any of those lovely-looking cupcakes. At least not right away. Maybe he gets one later, because they aren’t chocolate.


Dogs Treats for National Chocolate Cupcake Day

Dogs Treats for National Chocolate Cupcake Day
