Amazing Dog Playing Jenga

Amazing Dog Playing Jenga

This video with an amazing dog playing Jenga isn’t funny, but it is super impressive!

I compared it to some other so-called Jenga playing dogs, just to be sure it was as mighty a feat as it appeared to be, and this dog is definitely playing at another level!!

Watch the clip and try to tell me I’m wrong.

Pretty good right? Yeah. Who’s a good dog? In my opinion, this dog scores 11 out of 10 on the Jenga scale! What’s your rating?

Three times may be a personal best for this pooch, based on the level of excitement from the owner, but who cares?

I want to see this dog paint. Am I alone in that? I can’t be the only one that thinks it would be awesome to watch this dog paint a portrait of a cat.

And what other hidden talents could this incredible pooch have? Skateboarding, juggling, dramatic acting, improv comedy? Maybe we’ll see more videos in the future, featuring this dog’s soon-to-be-discovered skills!

More Funny Dog Videos

And be sure to watch some of the other funny dog videos, here on Dog Leash Comedy. I love to find dogs doing silly or impressive things, and post them here, for my own amusement, and for yours.

These videos can brighten your day, when other things are getting you down. Think of it as funny dog video therapy. You’re not wasting time on the Internet, you’re working on your mental health.

And no, I’m not a medical professional, or trained therapist, so take that advice with a comedy grain of salt! But if you do visit a trained therapist, please ask them if I’m right!


Amazing Dog Playing Jenga

Amazing Dog Playing Jenga