Comedian Gabriel Iglesias Loves Chocolate Cake

Comedian Gabriel Iglesias Loves Chocolate Cake

October 28th is National Chocolate Day, and comedian Gabriel Iglesias loves chocolate cake, as you can see in this short video.

11 Chocolate Cakes

In this video for National Chocolate Day, comedian Gabriel Iglesias explains that long ago, he told a crowd that he loves chocolate cake. This video was filmed in 2009, and he says that event happened 10 years earlier.

Since he mentioned his love for chocolate cakes, people have brought them to his shows, and he doesn’t seem to hate that idea!.

One night, people brought 11 chocolate cakes to his show! That’s more cake that even I would eat!

There was so much cake that were 2 left over at the end of the night, so Gabriel took those cakes home. His girlfriend wasn’t too impressed when he stomped into the house, at who know what hour in the middle of the night, with his arms full of cake. However, like any child, their son was certainly delighted!

Too Much Cake

Is there such a thing as too much chocolate, or too much cake? Apparently, there is, if you’re a small boy, and you eat an entire cake. Even if it’s a small cake from Walmart.

There are hazards too, if you over indulge in chocolate – hazards you might not have considered. For example, you ever been late for school, or late for work, because you ate too much chocolate cake? No? Good for you! Obviously, you’re a better person than I am!  And you’re a little smarter than Gabriel Iglesias’ son too!

Anyway, watch the video below, and listen to comedian Gabriel Iglesias describe what happens when you get to school late, and there’s nobody outside to help with the student drop offs. Don’t mess with the principal!

Video: Gabriel Iglesias – 11 Chocolate Cakes

Whether you love chocolate cake as much as Gabriel Iglesias does, or not, I’m sure you’ll find this video funny. Happy National Chocolate Day!


Comedian Gabriel Iglesias Loves Chocolate Cake

Happy National Chocolate Day! What are you doing to celebrate?

Comedian Gabriel Iglesias Loves Chocolate Cake
