Candy Corn for Halloween: Love It or Hate It

Candy Corn for Halloween: Love It or Hate It

Tomorrow is Halloween, but today, October 30th, is Candy Corn Day. When you were a kid, did you ever get candy corn for Halloween? Did you love it or hate it? How do you feel about candy corn now that you’re an adult? Nobody is undecided about candy corn – they either love it or hate it.

Love It or Hate It

I’m on the “hate it” side of the world’s debate on candy corn for Halloween. Candy corn is the Halloween equivalent of the Christmas “coal in your stocking” punishment for bad kids. Am I right?

I love Halloween, and I certainly love candy, but I’d only eat candy corn if there was nothing else in my trick or treat bag, and I hadn’t eaten for 3 weeks. And even then, I’d eat the candy corn reluctantly.

Why do I hate candy corn? Well, it has a weird chewy waxy texture, and it has no flavour. Other than that, what’s not to like?

Maybe candy corn tasted better in the olden days. Maybe it had some kind of flavour, way back then, and a better texture. Or maybe it’s always been horrible, and kids were more tolerant of bad treats, back in the day.

Candy Corn Debate

There’s no real winner in the Candy Corn debate in this video, and there’s certainly no scientific data or evidence to support either side. As with most debates, you vote for the side that you already supported, before the debate began!

Warning: There’s a bit of strong language at the end, so cover your kids’ ears at that point.

Molasses Kisses

Here in Canada, we have another divisive Halloween treat – Kerr’s Molasses Kisses. There’s no middle ground on this candy either – you look forward to getting them every year, or you hate them!

At least the Molasses Kisses have a flavour, unlike candy corn! and they come in wrappers, so it’s sanitary, even if it’s a strange, too sweet, too sticky candy.

And Molasses Kisses are Canadian, so I’d choose them over candy corn out of national loyalty, if for no other reason.

See what artist and local historian Andrew King wrote about Molasses Kisses in his Ottawa Rewind blog.

Video: Kerr’s Halloween Kisses Are the Worst

This video explains why Kerr’s Molasses Kisses are Canada’s worst Halloween candy, and why it will outlive us all – it’s economics!


Candy Corn for Halloween: Love It or Hate It

Candy Corn for Halloween: Love It or Hate It
