Online Improv With Colin Mochrie

Online Improv With Colin Mochrie

Are you a big fan of the old improv TV show, Whose Line Is It Anyway? I’ve watched every episode, as far as I know, and still laugh at all the bad jokes. Like any normal human being! Canadian comedian, Colin Mochrie, was one of the regulars, and he’s one of my improv idols.

Improv With Colin Mochrie

After looking up to Colin Mochrie for so many years, it was awesome to finally get a chance to work with him!

Last night, my friends at The Making Box – a local improv troupe – started a series of online shows and classes. And can you guess who was featured in their first show?

If you guessed Colin Mochrie, congratulations! He agreed to appear in the show, and joined in some of the improv sketches.

Colin Mochrie Canadian comedian

Making Colin Laugh

And here’s part 2 of my Colin Mochrie quiz – Can you guess who got to work opposite Colin Mochrie, and actually made him laugh?

If you guessed that it was me, congratulations again! You’re right. It was an amazing experience!

Here’s a screen shot from one of the sketches, with Colin at the top left. I’m at the top right, delivering one of my improv lines. Will he like it?


Good news – he liked my line! And as you can see from my face, I was very pleased with myself. Winking smile

And sorry, but I can’t remember what that funny line was – it’s all a blur!


In the News

There hasn’t been too much good news lately, with everything that’s going on in the world. So, the local tv station was happy to do a story about the Making Box virtual show, with its special guest star.

Here’s a quote from Making Box president, Jay Reid, from the Global TV story:

Colin Mochrie is, of course, one of our absolute favourites. It was very generous of him to say yes — and think, all it took was a global pandemic

More About Colin

Just like me, Colin Mochrie has a Scottish background. He was actually born there, and moved to Canada when he was seven years old.

My ancestors left Scotland in the 1800s, and headed to Canada. There are rumours that the departure was encouraged by the local constabulary.

But, if Colin and I had been in our Scottish villages at the same time, we could have travelled back and forth in a couple of hours!

In the map below, that’s Colin’s home town at the lift, and my ancestors’ village on the right. Neighbours!

You can read more about Colin’s background on his Wikipedia page. And what kid growing up in a Scottish village doesn’t dream of having their own Wikipedia page?

travel time between Scottish villages


Online Improv With Colin Mochrie

Online Improv With Colin Mochrie
