Improv Skills Can Help Educational Assistants

Improv Skills Can Help Educational Assistants

I use my improv skills every day, while working as an educational assistant (EA). Here are some reasons why improv training could help you succeed as an EA too.

Listen and Respond

Improv teaches you how to listen and respond – important skills for an EA.

  • As an EA, you need great listening skills, so you can respond appropriately and effectively, in a wide range of situations.
  • Throughout the day, you’ll have to listen to the needs and concerns of your students, teachers, and parents.
  • You also have to respond to their questions, requests, and feedback.

Improv training can help you develop active listening skills and quick thinking abilities. Those skills can help you communicate better during the school day.

Be Flexible

Improv also teaches you how to be flexible and adaptable.

That can help you succeed as an EA, where you have to be ready for anything!

  • You might have to deal with unexpected changes in the schedule, curriculum, or classroom environment.
  • You might have to work with different students with different learning styles, abilities, and backgrounds.
  • You might have to handle challenging behaviors or conflicts among your students.

Improv skills can help you cope with uncertainty and ambiguity, so you can quickly adjust your approach and attitude according to the situation.


Improv teaches you how to be creative and collaborative.

As an EA, you have to be able to support the learning process of your students in various ways.

  • You might have to assist students with their assignments, projects, or tests.
  • Students might need extra help or enrichment activities.
  • You might need to facilitate group work or discussions among your students.

Improv training can help you unleash your creativity and imagination, and how to work well with others in a team.

Have Fun

And my favourite thing about improv is that it teaches you how to have fun and enjoy your work.

  • As an EA, you need to balance your professional responsibilities with your personal well-being.
  • You might have to deal with stress, pressure, or burnout from your work.
  • You could face criticism or rejection from your students or teachers.

Improv skills can help you learn how to laugh at yourself occasionally, and help you find joy and satisfaction in your work.

Essential Skills

As you can see, improv training can help you develop many skills and qualities that are essential for success as an EA in public schools.

So what are you waiting for? Find an improv class today, in your town, or online, and try it out! It could help your career as an EA.

Here’s a photo of me, at the left, doing improv exercises with a local television reporter, at the right. I was making hand and face motions, that the reporter had to follow.

Meanwhile, another improviser, in the red shirt, was giving the reporter simple arithmetic questions to solve. So much fun!

improv with local tv reporter


Improv Skills Can Help Educational Assistants

Improv Skills Can Help Educational Assistants
