Be Kind to Your Brain

Don’t be hard on yourself when you’re trying to learn new things. I try to remember that advice while working on this new blog – there are lots of things to learn, and it will take a while before I’m comfortable with all the steps. And by then, there will be something else to learn!

Getting better at stand-up comedy in an on-going process too, and you have to keep pushing yourself to try new jokes and different routines.

Dog Training Tips

When I saw this video with 5 tips for dog training, I realized that you could replace “dog” with “brain” in most of the tips. These are awesome tips, for dogs, and for our poor brains.

Here are the 5 tips in the video:

  1. Don’t expect unrealistically fast results
  2. You won’t have linear progress
  3. Never blame your dog (or brain)
  4. Dogs (brains) learn best after exercise
  5. Be flexible


Remember, be kind to your brain, and give it time to learn all the new things that it is struggling with.


Be Kind to Your Brain

Be Kind to Your Brain