Kevin Bozeman Don’t Spoil Your Kids

Kevin Bozeman Don't Spoil Your Kids

It’s tough being a single dad, and I spoil my daughter a bit, to make her happy. And now that holiday season is starting, with Thanksgiving, Halloween and Christmas, it can get pretty expensive, if you spoil your kids too much. It’s time to set my holiday budget, and try to stick to it.

Kevin Bozeman Don’t Spoil Your Kids

In this video clip, comedian Kevin Bozeman talks about spoiling your kids, and when to explain the truth about Santa Claus. I agree with his line that “Santa don’t do iPads. Santa does LEGOs and action figures.”

One Present From Santa

When I was a kid, Mom and Dad explained that Santa only brought one present for each kid, and it wasn’t fancy. Our parents had to buy all the rest, so some years there wasn’t a huge pile of gifts under our tree. We certainly weren’t spoiled!

When you know that Santa will only bring you one gift, you have to make sure to get your request in early! I’m about 5 years old in this photo, and having a serious chat with Santa. I was probably asking Santa for a really big truck.

Kevin Bozeman Don't Spoil Your Kids
