Bad Jokes for National Pickle Day 2018

Bad Jokes for National Pickle Day 2018

Today, November 14th, is National Pickle Day, and I’m sure we can find some comedy material to help us celebrate. Just for your entertainment, I dug to the bottom of the pickle barrel (groan!) to come up with dill-icious collection of bad jokes for National Pickle Day.

Bad Jokes for National Pickle Day

I’ve been a life-long pickle lover, as you can see in the photo below. Nobody was going to grab that slice of dill pickle out of my tightly-clenched fist!

It’s that kind of pickle enthusiasm that makes me qualified to dill-ight you with my bad jokes for National Pickle Day.


Bad Jokes for National Pickle Day

Here they are – the bad jokes for National Pickle Day. So hold your noses, and keep reading.

P. S. I don’t encourage drinking, but you might find the jokes funnier if you’re already pickled!

1.  What is green, and has a sidecar?

  • A motor-pickle

2. What is the sourest instrument in the orchestra?

  • A pickle-o

3. Where did the pickles go on vacation?

  • To Phila-Dill-phia

4. What climate do pickles like best?

  • Tro-pickle

5. What TV channel do gherkins like to watch?

  • Pickle-odeon

6. What is green and giggles?

  • Pickle Me Elmo

Video Joke for National Pickle Day

And finally, here’s a bad pickle joke, told by Kendall, from TheZoneCampbell channel on YouTube.

It takes a long time to get to the punch line, just as it would in any bad pickle joke!


Bad Jokes for National Pickle Day 2018

Get a grip! It’s National Pickle Day 2018

