Thanksgiving Comedy WKRP Turkey Drop

Thanksgiving Comedy WKRP Turkey Drop

Happy Thanksgiving to our American friends, who are celebrating today. You’re probably “stuffed” with turkey, potatoes, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, macaroni and cheese, biscuits, cranberry sauce, gravy and pie. But no matter how much you’ve eaten, there’s always room for a bit of Thanksgiving comedy! WKRP Turkey Drop episode is just what you need!

WKRP Turkeys Away

To paraphrase Kanye West, when he interrupted Taylor Swift at the Billboard Music Awards in 2009: “Yo, American, I’m really happy for you, I’ma let you finish (your turkey dinner), but WKRP had one of the best videos of all time! One of the best videos of all time!”

Here’s a short video, with a segment from the best WKRP episode ever, Turkeys Away, where a surprise Thanksgiving promotion is happening.

Mr. Carlson, the owner of Cincinnati radio station WKRP, decided to do a Thanksgiving promotion, by giving away turkeys. What could possibly go wrong?

Les Nessman, played by Richard Sanders, is reporting from in front of a shoe store, where the promotion will take place. He sees something in the sky, coming toward the mall – and it’s a helicopter, pulling a giant banner that says “Happy Thanksgiving”.

Meanwhile, back at the radio station, Venus Flytrap, Johnny Fever, Andy Travis and Bailey Quarters are waiting patiently. At the store, Les isn’t sure what the helicopter is trying to do. Is it looking for a place to land?

Les Nessman: No! Something just came out of the back of the helicopter.

The video clip shows what happens next. This is one of the best TV episodes of all time.

Les Nessman:  Oh, the humanity!

WKRP Turkey Drop Full Episode

If’s you’d like to watch the full episode of Turkeys Away (WKRP Season 1, Episode 7), here it is. You’ll see how the Thanksgiving promotion is planned (badly), and executed (pun intended). And remember to look up, if you’re ever at the mall near Thanksgiving, and you hear a helicopter coming!


Thanksgiving Comedy WKRP Turkey Drop

Thanksgiving Comedy WKRP Turkey Drop
